Business Practice

Reverse Speech in
business practice

Our subconscious plays a significant role in shaping our reality, as the metaphors in our minds influence the outcomes of our actions. It is crucial that the metaphors held by members of a business team are positive and empowering. For instance, let’s consider the metaphor of a wolf. The wolf represents our main motivator in the metaphysical realm. The condition of the wolf metaphor is directly linked to personal success. A person with a strong and confident wolf will consistently achieve their full potential in all endeavors. On the other hand, someone with a timid or wounded wolf may only reach half of their capabilities, and may even give up prematurely. In such cases, self-sabotage patterns become apparent and can hinder progress in the physical world. It is important to address and improve these metaphors to ensure success and avoid obstacles along the way.

Investigator/ Analyst work

At this level, we begin by recording a 30-minute conversation on a chosen topic. I analyze the recording and document all reversals. Additionally, I prepare a transcript with interpretations so that we can discuss it during the next session. The number of rounds required to achieve the desired goal depends on the client’s subconscious. Here are some examples of the type of information that can be obtained.

Check what can be improved in your current business.
If your business is struggling, it would be easy to identify where the problem lies.

Check your plans and ideas before implementing them.
Your subconscious creates these opportunities and knows the reasons behind them. If it is trying to teach you a lesson, it may not be a good sign. You can learn the lesson in a different way without risking your business.

Check if your new business proposal will generate profit or loss.
Since we are all connected on an unconscious level, there is no need to document your new business proposal. Your subconscious has enough information to determine its potential success.

Check if your new colleagues will benefit your company before hiring them.When hiring for a crucial position, this can save you money, not just in terms of salary but also in potential mistakes that new hires might make.

Check the messages your unconscious mind is sending to the world.
If your business uses recorded voice in commercials, ensure that any embedded messages are positive. If they are negative, the campaign is unlikely to succeed. Our subconscious picks up on these messages and influences our decisions. If the messages are negative, people may not want to do business with you, even if they can’t pinpoint why.

Elon Musk sees his country's insane spending, as his means to move forward

"You know, show us that shoes"

His spirit is not supporting him when he is speaking about his space programs

"See you ill"

Session work/Metaphor Restruction

The main difference in session work is the use of Metawalk, which combines hypnosis and Reverse Speech therapy. Metawalk involves a pictorial journey through the images and metaphors of the unconscious mind. With this knowledge, it becomes possible to manipulate the metaphors, which serve as blueprints for life, according to unconscious instructions. Every aspect of our lives is governed by these unconscious rules.

Resolve behavior patterns that are obstructing your business path. The nature of the soul is such that it seeks to address personal issues before allowing us to progress towards our life goals. This serves as a security measure in the realm of the unconscious mind. Acquiring special talents prematurely could potentially cause more harm than good.

In this case subconscious is telling Dr. Robert O. Young that he is on the right life path

"You know you had this in egg"

When Dr. Thomas Cowan was explaining why a heart can not be a pump, his spirit supported him

"Faught the scam you were in"

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