The Power of
Unconscious Works WILL

about me

I began my journey with Reverse Speech in 2018, studying directly under its founder, Mr. David John Oates. I have since achieved full certification at the Investigator, Analyst, and Practitioner levels, equipping me to practice and apply this knowledge with precision and expertise. I offer my services in both English and Slovenian.

Reverse Speech has profoundly influenced my understanding of human behavior and the unconscious world itself. Its potential to uncover unconscious mysteries inspired my dedication to expanding its applications. I believe that imagination is the only limit to this field's transformative possibilities.

One of the most exciting advancements I’ve explored is combining Reverse Speech with live blood analysis. This unique integration has provided remarkable insights into the holographic patterns within blood, significantly enhancing our understanding of its diagnostic potential. My mission is to share these discoveries, demonstrating the immense advantages Reverse Speech offers in fields ranging from self-discovery to cutting-edge analysis.
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Before discovering Reverse Speech, I worked as a civil engineer, focused solely on the tangible aspects of life. I had little understanding of the unconscious world, viewing it as something distant and elusive. Traditional resources often left me with misconceptions about the unconscious, but Reverse Speech changed everything. It opened my eyes to the profound role of the unconscious as a blueprint for our lives—housing all knowledge, connecting us to the world, and shaping our experiences.

I came to understand that every manifestation in the physical world begins in the realm of metaphors—a program that guides life. Learning to identify and reshape these metaphors was transformative. My journey started with self-reflection, uncovering and restructuring the negative metaphors within me. Over time, I began receiving reversals that revealed unconscious instructions for achieving my goals. By acting on these insights, I experienced profound shifts in my life.

This journey inspired my passion for creating Metawalks—customized programs designed to help others reprogram their unconscious beliefs. Today, my mission is to share these tools and empower individuals to unlock their potential through the incredible capabilities of Reverse Speech.

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Anže Perko

My services

Engage in meaningful communication with your
deep subconscious mind—the source of all beginnings.

Personal Growth

Hologram Restructure

*If we can locate a live blood analyst near you.

Business Practices

example of hologram restructure

Examples of reverse speech in music

Reversal from Eminem live concert.

"I have seen this in the symbol"

Reversal from Eminem live concert.

"To win him you release him"

Reversal on Canadian singer Justin Bieber.

"My house is here in the order"

Reversal on Scottish singer Ann Lennox.

"How many in you"

Reversal on The Doors' vocalist, Jim Morrison.

"Your bigger self quiet"

In theory

Just as the body has its natural structure, the unconscious mind also possesses an intricate framework. This structure encompasses diverse elements such as an ocean, a desert, a house, the Garden of Eden, Heaven, Rome, and more. Within these symbolic “kingdoms” reside human and animal characters, each with a unique purpose and function. When these structures are altered or disrupted, they can manifest as challenges or difficulties in life. Reversals serve as a map to these unconscious structures, offering valuable insights into what might be misaligned or in need of healing.

What is Reverse Speech?

Human speech is a blend of two distinct languages: forward speech and Reverse Speech. Forward speech is primarily governed by the conscious mind and, as such, is often shaped by the influence of the ego. In contrast, Reverse Speech originates from the subconscious mind—both personal and collective. Reverse Speech is generated automatically by the brain as we speak. It serves as the language of the soul, frequently expressed through metaphors. This subconscious language exists within the sound patterns of forward speech and can be heard by playing recorded speech backward. Forward and Reverse Speech are inherently connected, forming a dual-layered communication system that reveals the complete psyche. Speech reversals—intelligent phrases that emerge backward in speech—bridge the conscious and subconscious, offering profound insights into our inner world.

What is metaphor restructuring?

Metaphor restructuring is the process of altering a metaphor within the human mind. This is achievable because our minds interpret information through pictures and images, rather than words. These metaphors have an impact on human behavior and the outcomes in life. To modify a client's dysfunctional metaphoric structures, it is necessary to communicate with the subconscious using the language of the subconscious mind, rather than the ordinary language of the conscious mind, as most therapists typically do.

What is reversal reaction?

One possible outcome when a client reviews a session transcript is a refusal to accept responsibility for their reversals, leading to denial. In more severe cases, this reaction can escalate into projection or transference, where the client deflects their discomfort onto the analyst. They may even question the analyst’s competence or the validity of Reverse Speech itself. In extreme scenarios, this reaction can trigger intense anger or a sudden desire to sever ties with the analyst altogether. For this reason, analysts never share Pre-Walk reversals with clients. These reversals are exclusively used to map out the Metawalk journeys, as they operate at a deeper level than those found in regular session recordings.The insights derived from Pre-Walk recordings can often be overwhelming for the conscious mind to process. If shown these reversals prematurely, clients may experience reversal reaction symptoms, which can hinder their progress.

What clients' subconscious mind thinks about the Metawalk.

"What a good love to all"

What is a metaphor?

A metaphor is far more than just a figure of speech, as we were often taught in school. It is a spiritual entity—a principality and ruler within the realm of the unconscious. Metaphors act as the driving forces behind human behavior, profoundly influencing the way we shape our identities and experience life. Within the unconscious mind, metaphors orchestrate the events and patterns that define our lives. To truly understand their power, we must see them as living entities. As these metaphors evolve, so too do we, reflecting their transformative role in our personal and collective growth.

What is a Metawalk?

A Metawalk is a unique hypnotic journey, a visual exploration of the subconscious mind’s imagery and metaphors, as revealed through Reverse Speech analysis. This method accesses specific aspects of the subconscious that traditional hypnosis cannot reach. During a etawalk, up to twelve metaphors may be addressed, depending on the client’s focus. While some metaphors are simple to work with, others present greater challenges.

What Can I Guarantee You?

I do not claim to possess any special powers to heal or fix anything. My role is to provide a “mirror” that reflects what your unconscious mind needs to see. The healing process is entirely dependent on your unconscious mind and physical body. Since the outcome of this work relies solely on your internal processes, I do not offer refunds for my services.

Example of how the subconscious describes the Metawalk.

"Sorcery, just ask it"

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