Personal Growth

Reverse Speech for
Personal Growth

The process of manifestation involves 80% mental work and only 20% physical work. Unfortunately, we often overlook the more significant aspect and focus too much on the less important part. This results in many failures. To manifest your desires, you must ensure that the 80% mental effort is working for you and not against you. This part of the mind is always active, even when we sleep. So it is crucial that this particular aspect is not working against you. My job mainly deals with solving this 80% issue. When creating a Metawalk, it is almost insignificant what the client is saying in forwards. Because the only real truth lies in reverse.

Investigator/ Analyst work

At this level, we begin by recording a 30-minute conversation on a chosen topic. I then analyze the recording and document all reversals. Additionally, I prepare a transcript with interpretations that we can discuss in our next appointment. The number of rounds required to achieve the desired goal will vary based on the client’s subconscious. Here are some examples of the type of information that can be obtained.
Let your spirit reveal the truth about your beliefs
Reverse speech is guided by our subconscious mind, which is connected to the universe and is always truthful.
Check your decisions before you actualize them
Our unconscious mind always knows the outcome before we even begin. It cannot be any different, as it is the one creating it.
Check the state of your sou
Listen to feedback from your soul, in your own voice.

The subconscious mind always corrects our forward speech

"Sell the mess"

And always knows what is the right thing for us

"The draw shit you"

Session work/Metaphor Restruction

The main difference in session work is the use of Metawalk, which combines hypnosis and Reverse Speech therapy. Metawalk involves a pictorial journey through the images and metaphors of the unconscious mind. By understanding this process, it becomes possible to manipulate the metaphors that serve as blueprints for life, based on unconscious instructions. Every aspect of our lives is governed by these unconscious rules.
Resolve undesirable behavior patterns.
If a person already has unconscious consent for a change, it is very easy to change behavior patterns. Typically, in one session, a dozen metaphors can be altered. If a person does not have unconscious consent, a congruency Metawalk must be performed first to obtain it. If, after this, the subconscious still does not want to cooperate, we will cancel further work, as it will be ineffective.
Start walking on your life path
Every soul has its own life path that was chosen before birth. With all the indoctrination and distractions in our lives, it can be difficult to listen and follow our divine plan. Through personalized Metawalk sessions, it is possible to get back on the right track. A common sign of this manifestation is when a person becomes very decisive in their actions. Without any apparent reason, a person just knows what to do and what to choose.
Start manifesting your conscious thoughts.
In the unconscious world, there are specific metaphors used for creation, such as the she-wolf or whirlwind. However, since we are not taught about them, these metaphors often lie dormant or broken in our minds. Through a session of work, it is possible to repair or activate these metaphors and begin utilizing them to our advantage.

Only our subconscious knows the cause of our problems

"North of hill soaked it up One"

With metaphores it explains what is wrong in our blueprint for life

"You seem with a flow of fun"

Only our subconscious can provide the right solution to our problem

"Throne it with knee than grab"

Private Sessions for metaphor Restruction are
divided into 8 segments,one week apart.

1st weak Recording One: We will start with 30 min. recording, discussing the topic you wish to address in your session

2nd weak Results One: I’ll discuss with you about the reversal analysis and I’ll send you recorded reversals. At this point changes in the subconscious already begins. When your conscious will hear the reversals it actually directly “downloads” information from the unconscious mind.

3rd weak Recording Two: We will record a second 30 min. recording discussing the reasons for dysfunctional metaphors. It’s a bit more difficult interview as my questions are prompting subconscious for instructions on how to solve a problem. These reversals are not shared. They are used only to map out the Metawalks.

4th weak Metawalk One:  With obtained reversals, I will record and send you by email Metawalk One. This will guide you into a trance and create profound changes at an unconscious level.

5th weak Metawalk Two: I will record and send you by email Metawalk Two. This is the second part of one journey because the maximum length of a Metawalk is 15 min.

6th weak Recording Three:  We’ll record a 30-minute recording to evaluate progress. You’ll talk about the changes that have occurred over the course of the sessions work so far.

7th weak Results Two: I’ll discuss with you about the reversals from 3rd recording and I’ll send you recorded reversals. We will discuss the effects of the Metawalks in establishing new unconscious patterns.

8th weak Metawalk Three: I will record and send you by email final Metawalk. This is the final trance to solidify the positive changes created throughout your private sessions.

What clients' subconscious mind thinks about the Metawalk.

"What a good love to all"

What clients' subconscious mind thinks about the Metawalk.

"What a good love to all"

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